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​What's New in 2024?
Proud Sponsor of the 31st World Conference of the INTDS 2024 in Knoxville Tennessee!

We are very excited about this New Year!  ACF is continuing to work hard to be a solid support vehicle for the many different fields that use our Carbon foils.  We work every day to provide the best possible product we can and to assist the scientific community is their diverse use of our various products.  Sometimes we actually get to know what is being done with our foils and we get even more excited!   Please share your projects with us and help us to encourage other researchers by sending your results or papers for us to post in our Technical Papers of Interest section. 

Additionally, we are absolutely thrilled about the various space projects that we are getting to participate in.  We have much to be grateful for as we move into 2024.  Please consider how ACF may be able to provide support for newer scientists working in these various fields of interest as we look for ways to foster growth in the new professionals who are just getting started in their careers. 

We anticipate attending several conferences this year and are always looking for suggestions on where you might think we should attend. Please let us know if you have any ideas on this.   

We continue to identify with all the other consumers and businesses that are facing enormous increases in supplies, labor, and other related business expenses.  We appreciate your understanding as we continue to try and keep our prices as low as possible and still deal with these increases realistically.   


What's new in 2023?
Happy New Year!  That's what we are all saying and at the same time looking around to see what really is new about this year?  We have all been sharing the world situation struggling with isolation, supplier costs increasing, labor cost increasing, just about everything increasing and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight.  ACF has carefully examined our overhead and associated costs trying to find multiple ways to keep our prices from going up.  In 2023 we will have a price increase on a few spe
cific products that are labor intensive and thus require we raise the price, but everything else on our product offerings will remain the same.   That will help contribute towards everyone having a wonderful new year.  Please also consider the many individuals who are struggling just to survive each moment because of the political issues being waged.  Look for ways to help.  Let us know if you have any suggestions or ways that we can help. 


Carbon Foils in Every Language!
In 2022 we started a project to get the term "Carbon Foil" as it is used by scientists all over the world in as many languages as we can.  This term is often simply inserted into a native language in the english form.  
Would you send us the term "Carbon Foil" in your language?  Once we get as many submissions as possible we will use this to create something fun, maybe a mug, or a t-shirt, who knows, and we will offer these at conferences or send them with orders as a gift.  We hope you will contribute!
Yes, I will provide the term "Carbon Foil"
in my language!

Black Lives Matter
     ACF-Metals stands in solidarity with the Black community to condemn the brutal events and racial injustice that has resulted in tragic killings of so many individuals in the past and present. We agree it is imperative that we each acknowledge the relevance of this issue and take actionable steps.  Our staff, customers, and the communities we engage with are all feeling the passion being demonstrated all over the world.  We will actively use our voice to express our outrage at the racism and injustice towards the Black community.  We will empower and support our staff moving forward as each issue gets addressed.  We are taking the time to listen and act in full support of enacting the social changes that are long past due.  

Coronavirus COVID-19
     We join together during this time of global health crisis with individuals, businesses, and lab facilities around the world in practicing the utmost in safety precautions to help prevent further spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19.  We will continue to conduct business and supply our Customers with this in mind.  Currently there is no delay associated with any of our products.  We have taken steps to ensure our stock levels remain high and we are able to provide crucial products through this delicate period of time.
Our heartfelt thoughts and well wishes go out to all of those who are enduring the tragedy and loss from this pandemic.  

     Check out Technical Papers of Interest, the NEW ACF Library! Submit your paper or enjoy others.  New as of 3/9/20     

ACF-Metals Celebrates 50 Years of Excellence!
     We began in 1970, on the University of Arizona campus.  Now 50 years strong we are still the leading manufacturer of premier carbon extractor foils for cyclotrons worldwide!    More users are finding the multi-layer foils on Cyclotron forks are giving them as much as twice the average lifetime, for more details, click here.

     We continue to research and find better ways to serve our Customers needs thanks to the feedback we receive, so please, let us know what we can do for you?!   


    ACF-Metals Team Members

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