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כדי לראות את זה בפעילות, יש לעבור לאתר הפעיל שלך.
ACF User Forum
Accelerator and Cyclotron Users share ideas, questions, and techniques when using stripper foils.
The Basics
Topics in here are relevant to the day-to-day use of carbon extractor foils.
9Topics by Cyclotron Type
Find your specific cyclotron here, there's quite a bit of information available if we all keep talking!
8Accelerators Specifically
We haven't developed this part of the Forum yet. If you work with an accelerator lab, please feel free to post!
Make connections, share pictures, if your post doesn't seem to fit one of the other categories, this is the spot!
3Untitled category
What’s this category about? Tell visitors what they’ll find in this discussion.
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