This user 'inherited' their position/machine, and was looking for some helpful information.
QUESTION: "I am using the IBA Cyclone 18-9, can you recommend the best carbon foil to use, and any data with respect to operating peramaters using the recommended foil?"
ANSWER: "I am told the PCG-1000 is used with this particular machine, depending on what you are making, or perhaps the tightness of the beam. However I will ask around, and get some other input."
Here is an answer submitted to me directly on this question:
"You are right that the PCG-1000 would typically be used on the 18-9. The problem is how tight of beam, transmission wise, you want to have on a beam line. The typical 18-9 has varying beam line tightness and if you want really tight beam (>85% transmission) #1 beam line then you could use PCG-400 but you can use PCG-1000 for good tightness (>70%) but the PCG-1000 foil would cause the beam on #4 to be exploded to double what it is on #1 (45% -60%). You would need PCG-400 on #4 to get tighter beam."